Projected Games To Buy And Download
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Projected Games can be easily downloaded in just 3 simple steps and played on any platform with Java installed.

Detailed information on the Projected Game Connexions
Connexions is a game of strategy and cunning where teams must try to connect their counters together by dropping them into a grid. You can change the grid size and you can play with more than 2 teams at the same time!
Detailed information on the Projected Game Game Show
Game Show is a tool allowing you to build your own database of games and activities and presents them in a way that will connect with your youth group. The database is pre-programmed with 40 highly entertaining games!
Detailed information on the Projected Game Pairs
Pairs is the age-old memory game brought back to life as a Projected Game. You can choose the number of squares in the grid, change all of the colours and you can even put your own digital photographs behind the squares!
Detailed information on the Projected Game Quiz
Quiz is a tool allowing you to quickly and easily create your own projected quizzes with the option of using normal or multiple-choice answers. A bonus bundle of 52 ready-made quizzes is provided with the game!
Detailed information on the New Projected Game Screen Scribble
Screen Scribble is a game of scribbling and guessing where one player sketches a given word and teams must be quick to guess it. The game comes with sketching tools, a timer and over a thousand easy and difficult words to sketch!
*** INTRODUCTORY Special Offer Package ***
Detailed information on the Projected Game Game Show Detailed information on the Projected Game Pairs Detailed information on the Projected Game Quiz
3 Games For Only £34.99
*** COMPLETE Special Offer Package ***
Detailed information on the Projected Game Connexions Detailed information on the Projected Game Game Show Detailed information on the Projected Game Pairs Detailed information on the Projected Game Quiz Detailed information on the New Projected Game Screen Scribble
All 5 Games For Only £59.99
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